There are so many reasons to enroll in Kingdom Growth Accelerator with E2000. I enjoyed how it expanded my horizons . I gained new life-long friends, learned practical insights and tips, developed new habits for success, and received encouragement along the way!
Many people in my KGA small group said that they loved being in KGA because they received support from like-minded people. They felt safe sharing struggles with this community. KGA not only connects people from around the globe, but it is a safe community!
KGA is not only a safe and loving community, it offers the wisdom of Dr. Joseph Peck. For example, when Dr. Peck's daughter was expecting a child, he wrote a blessing prayer for her. When he read that prayer to us, many shed tears as we received this overdue blessing from a 'father' figure Dr. Peck. His transparency creates an atmosphere of honor and love so we can grow in grace.
In KGA I grew in grace and I grew in knowledge. Though I read my Bible, I had stopped reading other books. Each month when a new KGA book was introduced for us to read, I regained my love of reading books!
So whether you are looking for a supportive community, for practical life tips, for a father's blessing, or to grow in grace, KGA is for you! I encourage you to give it a try!
— Barbara Nelson, KGA coach